Full Speed Ahead
With summer now officially over and the colder weather creeping in things are getting back into full swing here at VOCM Cares.
We kicked off our fall radiothon season with a bang, attending 3 radiothons on the west coast in support of the following organizations:
Western Regional Hospital Foundation which thanks to our generous listeners and government partnership were able to raise over $560,000; this was followed by the Dr. Charles L Legrow Health Foundation in Port aux Basques who ended the day with over $100,000 and we can’t forget the Sir Thomas Roddick Hospital Foundation which also brought in over $100,000. In just 8 hours a total of over $750,000 was raised to support the west coast-based foundations. We would like to thank all those who called in and stopped by to give. None of this would have been possible without your support.
Coats for Kids
Our Coats for Kids Campaign is currently underway with drop off locations province-wide. In partnership with the Newfoundland Power, Canadian Red Cross, MUN Student Experience Office, Vibrant Communities, Metrobus, and the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch #1 and various other community groups we aim to provide low-income families with warm winter coats, boots, snow pants, hats, mittens and scarves free of charge again this year. Click the following link to find out where you can give http://vocmcares.com/community-service/coats-for-kids/ .
Thanksgiving Food Drive
With Thanksgiving just around the corner we are just as excited as you all are to sit down and have a delicious meal with all our loved ones, but for some, it’s not that easy. This year like every year we give back and help others by donating non-perishable food items. Boxes are set up at Sobey’s locations in St. John’s, Mount Pearl and Paradise from September 28th until October 7th. You’ll also find donation boxes on metro buses. Help make this a great Thanksgiving for everyone! The Thanksgiving Food Drive is in partnership with Metro Bus, the Community Food Sharing Association and VOCM Cares.